Sunday, October 23, 2016

[SOLVED] word cannot save or create this file make sure the disk that you want to save the file on is not full, write-protected or damaged.....

word cannot save or create this file make sure the disk that you want to save the file on is not full, write-protected or damaged.....

Solution of this problem:

The entire problem is because of file, which you will see as prompt, after canceling the error message.

What is  This is the file that Microsoft word uses as the default blank page. You can see this page  while opening MS word. Now think, what will happen..... if this page is not blank any more?????????  

When we have written something into this, this is no more blank, so MS-word prompts us to save another file, and this is the main cause of that irritating prompt / error message.


We will have to create this file. The steps are following:

1. Go to 'my computer'.
2. Go to Local Disc (which is normally C drive)
3. Then Program Files (x86).
4. Open folder Microsoft Office -> Office16 (which may differ based on office version).
5. Here create one Microsoft word file having name:  'Normal'    (without quotes).
6. Now Enjoy.......:)  That irritating prompt won't come now. 
                      I think, this post may be helpful for you. You can comment  or mail me for any further help.


  1. Unfortunately this did not solve the issue. :(

  2. my problem was fixed and i could save one document, tried to save a second and the same thing happened all over again

  3. Useless advise. The file exists in this folder in my XP machine: C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates
    I tried copying it to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10 but I still get the irritating error message.

  4. I found out the answer and it worked, just signout from the email account and one drive linked with the MS-office account in word, the problem disappears.
